Stuff to know

Monday, July 4, 2011

Socail Settings

I have a quiet man.

I mean after all, living in an all-female household when would he get a chance to speak?

Whenever we have get together with other families if Mr. Rogers exchanges 25 words with someone he has made a new best friend.

Of course it is not as if he is going to talk or see this person unless I (the spice of the relationship) actually make a social engagement for us.

But the Fourth of July at the beach house finds

 the normally passive Mr. R is chatting it up like a school girl announcing the newest flavor of lip gloss.

What could have brought about such a change of social etiquette? (I mean besides the 3 Budweisers)?


 Get a giant piece of metal

 Insert things that catch on fire

 Throw a form of gasoline on said things

 Ignite!!!........................

BAM!!! Instant male bonding!!

They gather like pigs to the troth.

One moseying up to check on the flame.

Another to offer the advice.

And yet another to inquire as to what carnivorous delight will be sacrificed tonight.

Before too long there are outburst of laughter and slaps on the back.

Beverages are shared as no man may be allowed to dehydrate over an open flame.

After all it’s the MAN CODE.

I do not claim to understand these rituals.

My man is really the only man I deal with.

Having all daughters has kept me a bit in the dark on testosterone issues.

All I know is that Mr. Rogers is now the life of the party –

Not to mention King of the Coals.

Afterwards he will slip back into his quiet mode.

I will ask him who all his “grill mates” were and he will respond with “Just some guys from the condo I guess-- nice guys”

And that is it.

That is all I will get.

And that is all there really is to it.

That will be enough social engagement for him until Labor Day.

I would starve to death on that kind of social diet.

I mean shrivel-up- and –die- lonely kind of die

Not him. He’s good

And so with the excitement all spent, I am looking forward to the fireworks!!!

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